After deleting my blog and having a break from the world wide mothosphere i have decided to get back on the bandwagon just to update with everything going on up here in northern Queensland as we are a bit disconnected from the rest of the moth world to a degree. Well since geelong i have learnt alot about setup and how to and not to fly upwind. Overall i think i am 10 times faster then what i was at geelong and feel as though i am fitter but anyone can be a world champion on there own blog so only time will tell i guess and hamilton island race week will be a good time to get a speed gage on the other guys.
Since the nationals well it was a big kick up the arse to get faster and lose the ole puppy fat which meant hitting the gym and doing a bit of cross training eating healthy etc etc but most importantly learn to sail the boat with more time on the water. As ive learnt you can do all the training in the world on land but the best sailing fitness comes from time on the water itself. So ive really tried to keep up the on water sessions as much as possible and when you only work half a year it makes it fairly easy to do.
Club racing has been fun with alot of perfect weather allowing winnning more comfortably. We had a may day allboats regatta over the may long weekend with 15-20 knot south east and fairly rough seas...not so perfect but it was so awsome for the challenge downwind picking which troughs to gybe on and agressive steering up and down faces of waves and winning by 20 mins on corrected time from sharpies mg's tasars and other mixed monohulls.
Airlie beach regatta at easter was fun but myself ben rankine and justin spillman ended up doing alot more promotional work then racing which was still fun and scored alot of interest aswell as some sick shots.
Townville centenery sprint series Queens birthday
We had mixed weather and 4 foilers and this was dads first regatta on his homebuilt foiler. He absolutely smoked me in the non foiling races....(hmmm must do some work on the lowriding i think) but as soon as the breeze came up i was gone and could not be touched. Ended up 3rd overall in mixed divisionand 1st moth which wasnt too bad i had an ocs and missed a start plus 3 non foiling races out of 9. happy with boat speed on the foils and have some real positives coming out of this regatta.
Tomorrow i go under the knife and get 5 teethe removed which puts me out of action for the weekend and means ill be confined to soups for a few days.... which means i miss out on winter series but that isnt such a bad thing, light fickle breezes cool water...yeh ill pass on that. The boat goes in to queensland yachtcraft next week to get carbon on wingtramp tracks just to stiffen them up.

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ReplyDeleteGood to have you back Brent!
ReplyDeleteI didn't get around to thanking you and your dad for helping me out at nats when my gantry went AWOL... twice. So thanks heaps mate. That boat has since been sold to Tim in Brissy to help the qld fleet grow, and I have an Assassin due shortly which will be pretty sweet.
Funny that you're getting some fang-farriering done... two of my wisdom teeth come out in the next couple of weeks... not fun. Certainly not looking forward to the swollen cheeks afterwards.